Fertility treatments and assisted reproductive techniques can be a miracle for many families.  They may also, however, lead to complicated family law issues.  A former wife recently appealed a judgment awarding frozen embryos to her former husband in the divorce.

According to the appeals court’s opinion, the parties utilized IVF treatment and still had three embryos in cryogenic storage at the time of the divorce.

The parties signed a “Consent Form Cryopreservation of Embryos” (“Agreement”) that addressed the storage of the embryos and made them subject to the disposition of the husband if the parties divorced.

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iStock-1287431987-300x200Parties to a Texas divorce may choose to pursue alternative dispute resolution to avoid litigation. They may resolve part or all of their disputes through mediation.  A mediated settlement agreement (“MSA”) is binging on both parties if it prominently states that it is not subject to revocation, is signed by both parties, and is signed by the party’s attorney, if present.  Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 6.602.  In some cases, an MSA may include an arbitration provision, requiring the parties to arbitrate disputes arising from the MSA.  A wife recently appealed the divorce decree, arguing it did not comply with the parties’ MSA and that the judgment based on the arbitrator’s award should be overturned.

Mediation and Arbitration

The husband and wife entered into a mediated settlement agreement (“MSA”), agreeing to use a specific realtor to sell their properties. According to the appeals court’s opinion, the husband obtained a new realter after the wife informed him the chosen realtor “declined” to sell their properties.  That realtor found errors in the deed and recommended referred them to real estate attorneys.

The parties did not agree on which realtor to use or if they should have the documents corrected by an attorney.  Arbitration had been scheduled, with the arbitrator being the same person who had served as the parties’ mediator.  The wife obtained new counsel, who objected to the arbitrator due to concerns about impartiality.  He also expressed an intention to move for a new trial or set aside the MSA. He alleged the husband’s attorney failed to disclose a working relationship with the mediator before the mediation occurred.  However, there were emails showing the husband’s attorney had disclosed to the wife’s previous attorney that she previously had been an intern with the mediator and the wife’s attorney had no objection to the mediator.  Additionally, she disclosed the same information to the wife’s second counsel by phone, and the mediator stated before the mediation started that the husband’s attorney had been an intern, and there were no objections.

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A Texas divorce case can become more complicated for spouses with a child with complex medical needs.  In addition to addressing issues related to custody and decision-making, the divorce may also have to address spousal maintenance for the child’s primary caregiver.  In a recent case, a husband appealed an unequal property division and a spousal maintenance award in favor of the wife, who acted as primary caregiver for the children.

According to the appeals court’s opinion, the parties had preterm triplets, one of whom was a “medically fragile child,” “Andy.”  The wife stopped working outside the home and became their primary caregiver.

The husband filed for divorce in 2019.  The wife subsequently negotiated a job with the non-profit she co-founded.

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iStock-178756342-300x199Under Texas family law, property acquired by a spouse during the marriage is community property, unless it meets the requirements of separate property.  Pursuant to Tex. Fam. Code § 3.001, personal injury recoveries are the separate property of the injured spouse, but recovery for lost earning capacity is community property.  Property possessed by a spouse during or on dissolution is presumed to be community property, so a spouse claiming a personal injury recovery is their separate property must prove by clear and convincing evidence what portion is separate.  A wife recently challenged the property division in her Texas divorce after the court concluded monthly payments from a personal injury settlement were the husband’s separate property.

According to the appeals court’s opinion, the wife had primarily been a homemaker during the marriage, but she sometimes worked part-time.

The husband was seriously injured at work in 2006.  He was found to be incapacitated and the wife acted as his guardian in the resulting lawsuit.  In the personal injury settlement agreement, the wife agreed, on behalf of her husband and herself, to release all claims against the defendants.  The defendants’ insurance companies agreed to immediate cash payments and monthly payments for the rest of the husband’s life.  The settlement provided that $1,150,000 of the cash payments was for the husband’s benefit and $50,000 would go to the wife. The settlement agreement also stated the monthly payments were for the husband’s benefit.  The monthly payments were secured through the purchase of an annuity pursuant to the settlement agreement. The agreement also stated that funds were “damages on account of personal physical injuries or sickness” pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code. It also provided that the husband and wife were responsible for paying their attorney’s fees, court costs and case expenses, and any medical bills and liens.

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BSgavelx1200-768x432-1-300x169In dividing property in a Texas divorce, the court must effect a just and right division.  If the marital residence is part of the community estate and one party will keep it, the court must address the other spouse’s share of the equity.  The court may do this by placing an owelty lien on the property.  An owelty lien creates an encumbrance on the property that follows it upon a sale.  The lien must be paid before the net proceeds of the sale are distributed to the spouse. In a recent case, a mother challenged a divorce decree that did not include a payment mechanism or schedule for her owelty lien, while the father challenged the specifics of the geographic restriction imposed on the primary residence of the child.

The father asked the trial court to appoint both parents joint managing conservators of their child. He asked neither parent be given the exclusive right to determine the child’s primary residence and that the court impose a geographic restriction.  He requested the trial court to divide the estate in a just and right manner. He asked that the mother receive a lien on the marital estate for half of the net equity of the home.

The mother asked for the right to designate the child’s primary residence.  She also asked the trial court to award her half the market value of the home.

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iStock-483613578-300x204The characterization of property in a Texas divorce is generally determined by the property’s character when the spouse acquired it.  Separate property is property a spouse owned before the marriage or acquired during the marriage through gift, devise, or decent.  Improvements made to separate property are generally also separate property because they are not divisible from the land. Community property is property acquired by either spouse during the marriage that is not separate property.  In a recent case, a wife challenged a court’s characterization of the marital home as community property.

Home Built During Marriage

According to the opinion of the appeals court, the parties got married in 1995.  In 2000, the husband’s mother transferred two lots to both of the parties by a gift deed.  They built the marital home on those two lots during the marriage.  The wife moved out of the home when the parties separated in 2015.  The husband had stayed there and paid the household bills and property taxes.

The trial court ordered the home to be sold.  It awarded 75% of the net proceeds from the sale of the home to the husband and the other 25% of the net proceeds to the wife.

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In some situations, a Texas premarital agreement can be used to protect the parties’ assets.  To be valid, a premarital agreement must be signed by both parties.  A wife recently challenged a trial court’s finding there was no enforceable agreement when neither party was able to produce a signed copy of the agreement.

Premarital Agreement

The appeals court’s opinion stated parties started their relationship around six months before the marriage.  The wife raised the issue of premarital agreement a month or two before the wedding.  The wife signed in front of the notary, but the notary refused to notarize the husband’s copy because he signed it before he arrived at the store and did not have his ID with him.

The wife testified she forgot what she did with the signed copies.  She said she thought she had an electronic copy on the husband’s computer, but he had taken the computer.

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iStock-182358076-300x200When a party in a Texas custody case fails to respond or appear, the court may find they defaulted and enter a judgment in favor of the other party.  For a court to enter a post-answer default judgment against a party, however, the pleadings must give the party fair notice of the claim.  A mother recently challenged a custody modification, arguing that the father’s pleadings did not specifically request the rights awarded to him by the court.

The trial court originally appointed both parents joint managing conservators with the mother having the right to determine the child’s primary residence without a geographic restriction in 2007.  The court also granted the father visitation and ordered him to pay child support.

The Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) filed a petition in 2020, alleging the father’s financial circumstances had changed and seeking an increase in child support.  The father requested a hearing, which was set for March 10.

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2018_10_agreement-300x165Property possessed by either spouse at the time of a Texas divorce is generally presumed to be community property, but that presumption can be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence.  A number of other rules and presumptions may affect the characterization of property during the property division.  A husband recently appealed characterization of property purchased by the wife before the marriage as her separate property.


The wife bought a residential property before her relationship with the husband.  After the parties got married, the husband and his children moved in with the wife. Both parties testified they frequently argued about money and finances.  When they argued, the wife would say the house was hers.

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iStock-1331374129-300x200Texas spousal maintenance is intended to give temporary support to a spouse whose ability to support themselves has diminished and whose assets are insufficient to support them.  After 10 years of marriage, a spouse who shows they lack sufficient property or the ability to earn sufficient income to provide for their “minimum reasonable needs” may be entitled to spousal maintenance.  Tex. Fam. Code § 8.051(2)(B).  They must, however, overcome the rebuttable presumption that maintenance is not warranted by showing they have exercised diligence in earning sufficient income to provide for their reasonable needs or developing the necessary skills to do so during separation and the pendency of the divorce case.  Tex. Fam. Code 8.053. In a recent case, a wife appealed a trial court’s denial of her request for spousal maintenance.

The appeals court’s opinion stated the parties got married in 2009 and separated in 2018.  The husband lived in Texas and the wife lived in a vacation condominium they bought in Illinois in 2018.  The husband petitioned for divorce in 2019 and the final hearing occurred in February 2021.

The husband requested an equal property division and no spousal maintenance.

The wife asked for a 60/40 split of the assets and $5,000 per month in spousal maintenance for five years. She had not worked during the marriage or during the divorce case.  Her mother testified she loaned her $37,500 during the separation.  The husband had also transferred about $50,000 worth of assets to the wife during the case.  The wife testified her monthly living expenses were about $12,000.  She had last worked as a medication aide in 2008.  She testified she previously worked as a certified nursing assistant but did not want to do so again.  She testified her dental assistance certification did not transfer to Illinois. She also testified she had photography certifications but had not tried to earn income from them.  She started a real estate course in 2019, but had not passed part of the test.  She also admitted she had “not done anything” to become employed since the divorce case commenced.  She said businesses were closed due to the pandemic and she did not have time to seek employment due to the divorce case.

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