
Articles Posted in Child Custody


Registering a Foreign Custody Determination in Texas

A custody determination issued in another state or country can be registered in Texas.  To do so, the party must send a letter requesting registration to the Texas court, along with two copies of the determination, one of them certified, a sworn statement that, to the best of the requester’s…


Texas Grandmother Lacked Standing for Visitation

Parents have a fundamental right to make decisions about their child’s care, custody, and control. There is a presumption that a fit parent acts in the child’s best interest.  A non-parent seeking visitation or custody over a parent’s objection must overcome the fit-parent presumption. They must have evidence of behavior…


Modification vs. Clarification in Texas Custody Cases

A court may clarify an order in a Texas suit affecting the parent-child relationship if it finds the order lacks sufficient specificity to be enforced through contempt.  Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 157.421.  The court cannot make substantive changes through an order to clarify and such changes are not enforceable.…


Texas Modification of Person With the Exclusive Right to Designate Child’s Primary Residence

When a parent seeks modification of Texas custody, they generally must show there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the prior order was rendered and that the change is in the best interest of the children.  A parent petitioning to change the designation of the parent…


Texas Appeals Court Upholds Alcohol Restriction in Divorce Decree

In dealing with Texas custody issues, courts must focus on the children’s best interest. Courts sometimes conclude that the best interest of the children requires certain restrictions on the parents when the children are in their care.  A father recently challenged a provision in the divorce decree prohibiting the parents…


Decision-Making Rights in Texas Joint Managing Conservatorship

When parents cannot cooperate to make decisions regarding the children in a Texas custody case, the court may give one parent certain decision-making rights, even if the parents are joint managing conservators.  In a recent case, a father challenged a court order requiring him to cooperate in the children’s activities…


Texas Court Allows Mother to Travel Internationally with the Child

Generally, when a parent wants to modify the parent-child relationship over the objection of the other parent, they must show the court that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances and that the modification is in the child’s best interest.  Often, modifications address major issues, such as…


Sibling Standing in Texas Custody Case

Under Texas family law, certain close relatives of a child may seek managing conservatorship if they can sufficiently show the child’s current circumstances would significantly impair the child physically or emotionally.  Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 102.004(a)(1).  A sister recently sought custody of her siblings, asserting standing under § 102.004(a)(1).…


Texas Appeals Court Denies Grandmother Standing in Custody Case

A fit parent generally has the right to determine who has access to the child.  In some cases, however, people other than the parents may seek visitation or even custody of the child.  When someone other than a parent seeks rights in a Texas case, they must meet certain conditions. …


Texas Court Limits Visitation Due to History of Family Violence

Texas family law includes a rebuttable presumption that appointing both parents as joint managing conservators is in the child’s best interest. Tex. Fam. Code § 153.131. The presumption can be rebutted upon a finding of a history of family violence.  A mother recently challenged a trial court’s order, arguing in…

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