Texas custody orders may be modified if there has been a substantial and material change in circumstances of either of the parents or the child since the previous order. The petitioner must prove the circumstances at the time of the previous order as compared to the circumstances at the time…
Articles Posted in Child Custody
Texas Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Prohibiting Child Being in Father’s Girlfriend’s Presence
In some Texas custody cases, the major issue is not the actual custody or visitation. Sometimes a court may enjoin a parent from allowing a child to spend time with or be in the presence of another person. Such injunctions can be particularly difficult for the parent if they prohibit…
Texas Appeals Court Upholds Modification Allowing Unsupervised Visitation
Sometimes in a Texas custody case, the court may find it appropriate to place certain restrictions on a parent’s access to the children. In time and with changed circumstances, it may be in the children’s best interest to remove those restrictions to allow the children to spend more time with…
Texas Court Can’t Deny Petition for Modification of Conservatorship for No Material Change without Evidentiary Hearing
A court may modify a Texas custody order only in certain circumstances. One of the most common reasons to modify an order is that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the previous order and a modification is in the child’s best interest. Whether a material…
Texas Possession Order Can’t Contravene Jury Verdict on Primary Residence
A parent may demand a jury trial in a Texas custody case. After the jury decides certain foundational issues, the trial court then determines the specific terms and conditions. The Texas Family Code prohibits the court from contravening the jury’s verdict on certain specified issues, including primary residence. Tex. Fam.…
Texas Appeals Court Upholds Custody Modification Based on Family Violence
Generally, a Texas child custody order can be modified only if the modification is in the child’s best interest, and there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances. Family violence may constitute a change in circumstances warranting a modification. In a recent case, a mother challenged a modification,…
Texas Appeals Court Affirms Order Naming Stepfather as Child’s Joint Managing Conservator
Texas child custody law includes a presumption that a parent will be appointed sole managing conservator or both parents will be joint managing conservators of their children unless a court finds that doing so would significantly impair the health or emotional development of the children. Although it can be difficult…
Texas Court Grants Grandparents Visitation and Access to Grandchildren
Under Texas family law, a court may grant grandparents reasonable possession and access to a grandchild if three conditions are met. First, at least one of the child’s parents, whether adoptive or biological, must have parental rights to the child. Second, the grandparent must overcome the presumption the child’s parent…
Texas Appeals Court Upholds Permanent Injunction Prohibiting Contact Between Father’s Girlfriend and Child
Generally, a permanent injunction is difficult to obtain and requires proof that certain requirements are met. In Texas child custody cases, however, a court may be able to issue a permanent injunction, even if those requirements have not been met, if it finds that the injunction is in the child’s…
Time Limit for Alleged Biological Father to Rebut Husband’s Presumptive Paternity in Texas
Under Texas family law, a child’s parents have certain rights and duties regarding their children, including the right of possession and the right to make certain decisions related to them. Parents also have the duties to support, care for, and protect their children. Though in some cases, the parent-child relationship…