In some Texas custody cases, parents may not agree on the best medical treatment for a child, especially a child with complex special needs. Courts sometimes give each parent the authority to make decisions regarding medical treatment during their periods of possession, but this can become complicated when the parents…
Articles Posted in Child Custody
Texas Appeals Court Affirms International Travel Restrictions for Child in Divorce Decree
The Fourteenth Court of Appeals recently reversed a trial court’s order imposing restrictions on international travel for a child whose mother had ties to Russia. In another recent case, however, the Third District Court of Appeals determined there was no error in a trial court’s imposition of travel restrictions for…
Modification of Texas Child Custody and Child’s Preference
A trial court may modify a Texas conservatorship if modification is in the child’s best interest and the child is at least 12 years old and has told the court in chambers which parent they prefer to have the exclusive right to designate their primary residence. Tex . Fam .…
Credible Risk of International Abduction in Texas Custody Cases
Sometimes when one parent has international ties, the other parent may have concerns about international abduction. There is a two-step statutory process to assess and mitigate risk of parental international abduction. The court must consider certain factors to determine if there is credible evidence of a potential risk. If the…
Texas Appeals Court Considers Spouse’s Relationship to Child Following Same-Sex Divorce Case
Texas divorces of same-sex couples can involve unique legal issues. Recently, a Texas appeals court considered three related cases involving one spouse’s relationship to a child born during the marriage. According to the appeals court, the parties, A. and J., signed an agreement with a reproductive services agency during the…
Court of Appeals Finds No Harm In Trial Court Failing to Submit Mother’s Request for Primary Residence of the Children to Jury
When a parent petitions for modification of a Texas custody order, the parties may raise multiple issues. In a recent case, a mother challenged a modification order, arguing the trial court had erred in not submitting one of her proposed questions to the jury. Original Modification Proceedings The parties had…
Texas Appeals Court Upholds Custody Order Treating Children Differently
Texas custody cases involving multiple children can be complex, because the children may not have the same needs. In a recent case, a father challenged a modification that gave the mother rights with regard to the youngest child that he was awarded for the older two children. The parents got…
Judicial Admissions in Texas Custody Modification Case
Generally, to obtain modification of a Texas custody or child support order, a parent must show that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the prior order. Texas courts have held that a parent alleging a material and substantial change of circumstances in their counter-petition has…
Texas Father Did Not Voluntarily Relinquish Child to Grandmother Before Parental Adjudication
Parents generally have a fundamental right to make decisions regarding their children. In Texas, there is presumption that being raised by the parents is in the child’s best interest. This presumption can be rebutted if the court finds appointment of a nonparent is in the child’s best interest and the…
Conditions and Restrictions Related to Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Texas Custody Case
In a Texas custody case, the court must designate who will determine the child’s primary residence and establish the geographic area within which the child’s primary residence must be or specify that there is no geographic restriction. Tex. Fam. Code § 153.134(b)(1). The court bases its determination on the specific…