The relief granted by a court generally must conform to the pleadings of the parties, unless the parties consent to try an issue that was not included in the pleadings. In a recent Texas custody case, a father appealed a court order that he argued not only did not conform…
Articles Posted by Francesca Blackard
Texas Appeals Court Affirms Disproportionate Property Division
The court in a Texas divorce must make a just and right division of the marital estate. The estate does not have to be equally divided if there is a reasonable basis in the record for an unequal division. A former husband recently challenged, for the second time, the property…
Texas Appeals Court Affirms Custody Modification Despite Mother’s Decision Not to Relocate
Texas custody orders commonly include geographic restrictions limiting a parent’s ability to relocate the children outside a specified area. Regardless of whether there is a geographic restriction, a parent may seek to prevent the other parent from relocating with the children, often through modification of the custody order to either…
Texas Appeals Court Affirms Supervised Visitation and Other Requirements
In some circumstances, a court may order supervised visitation in a Texas custody case if necessary to protect the child’s health and safety. Supervised visitation allows the parent and child to maintain their relationship, while protecting he child’s safety. A father recently appealed a modification order requiring him to comply…
Texas Appeals Court Reverses Spousal Maintenance Award
Trial courts are permitted to award Texas spousal maintenance in only limited circumstances. If the spouse meets the eligibility requirements for maintenance, the court must consider a number of factors to determine the nature, amount, and duration. Tex. Fam. Code § 8.052. Spousal maintenance is limited to the lesser of…
Texas Enforcement Order Reversed Due to Due Process Issues at Hearing
A trial court in a Texas divorce case has discretion in how the trial is conducted, but that discretion is not unlimited. In a recent case, the appeals court determined the trial court abused its discretion by imposing time restrictions that allowed the husband more time to present the case…
Texas Spousal Maintenance
Pursuant to Texas Fam. Code § 8.051, the court may award Texas spousal maintenance to a spouse who lacks sufficient resources to provide for their own minimum reasonable needs if the other spouse was convicted of or received deferred adjudication for a criminal offense that constituted an act of family…
Characterization of Personal Injury Recovery in Texas Divorce
The characterization of funds received for personal injuries can be a complex issue in a Texas divorce. Texas family law presumes that property possessed by a spouse during or on dissolution of the marriage is community property. When a spouse claims certain property is separate, that spouse must prove by…
Texas Appeals Court Upholds Business Property Valuation in Divorce Case
Businesses can be difficult to accurately value in a Texas divorce. A wife recently challenged a property division involving two businesses, arguing the court had insufficient evidence to make the just and right division. When the husband filed for divorce, each party pleaded the marriage was insupportable. The wife also…
Texas Appeals Court Reverses Summary Judgment in Custody Modification Case
Generally, when a parent seeks modification of a Texas custody or visitation order, they must show that they modification would be in the child’s best interest and that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the earlier of the prior order’s rendition or the date the…