
Articles Posted by Francesca Blackard


Texas Court May Classify Attorney’s Fees Awarded in Divorce as Non-Dischargeable in Bankruptcy

“Domestic support obligations” as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code are generally exempt from discharge in bankruptcy.  Therefore, child support or spousal maintenance generally cannot be discharged in bankruptcy and must be paid.  The treatment of other types of awards that may be granted in a Texas divorce, however, may…


Reconstitution of Community Estate Due to Waste or Fraud in Texas Divorce

A court dividing property in a Texas divorce may consider a number of factors, including fraud or waste of community assets by a party. A spouse may commit constructive fraud or waste by unfairly depriving the other spouse of the benefit of community assets.  There is a presumption of constructive…


Judicial Admissions in Texas Custody Modification Case

Generally, to obtain modification of a Texas custody or child support order, a parent must show that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the prior order.  Texas courts have held that a parent alleging a material and substantial change of circumstances in their counter-petition has…


Texas Appeals Court Affirmed Divorce Decree Characterizing Property Purchased with Inheritance as Separate

Under Texas family law, community property is the property acquired by either spouse during the marriage that is not separate property.  Separate property includes property a spouse owned or claimed before the marriage, property acquired by gift or inheritance during the marriage, and recovery for personal injuries, except recovery for…


Texas Appeals Court Reverses Spousal Maintenance Order for Lack of Evidence of Diligence

A court may order Texas spousal maintenance to a spouse who lacks sufficient property on dissolution and the ability to earn sufficient income to provide for their own minimum reasonable needs if the parties have been married for at least 10 years. Tex. Fam. Code § 8.051. A former husband…


Failure to Pay Debt Ordered in Texas Divorce Is Not Enforceable by Contempt

Courts are required to effect a just and right division of the community estate in a Texas divorce.  This division is not limited to assets, but in many cases, the court must also apportion the parties’ debts.  A former husband recently challenged a provision in his divorce decree making his…


Texas Court Rejects Wife’s Argument Husband Sold Commercial Goodwill

The court must divide marital property in a just and right manner in a Texas divorce.  In some cases, the parties only have tangible or clearly identifiable assets such as real estate and back accounts.  In other cases, however, there may be more abstract assets involved.  A former wife recently…


Texas Appeals Court Affirms Unequal Property Division and Spousal Maintenance

Courts are required to divide marital estates in a just and right manner in a Texas divorce.  A court may divide the estate unequally, but must have a reasonable basis to do so.  Courts may consider a number of factors in making that determination, including the parties’ relative physical conditions,…


Texas Court Denies Decrease in Child Support After Mother’s Remarriage

It can be difficult to modify a child support order to decrease the child support obligation.  A father recently appealed the denial of his request for a decrease in his above-guideline child support obligation without step-downs.  Generally, a child support order for multiple children will provide for a decrease in…

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